Caring For Life
Crag House Farm
is the headquarters of Christian charity, Caring For Life, whose motto is ‘Sharing the love of Jesus’. The charity supports disadvantaged people, many of whom have known only abuse and a lack of love since their earliest days: providing residential homes for the most vulnerable and independent housing support for many others, throughout Leeds.
The 125 acre farm provides 12 therapeutic daytime projects for those housed and supported by the charity. Scores of damaged individuals come to the farm each week to enjoy caring for our animals; art and music; learn life skills, and much more. Since1987 over 5000 individuals have been housed and supported and the farm has played a crucial part in helping people maintain their tenancies and lead more settled lives.
The CFL Social Enterprises at Crag House Farm were established in 2008. Since that time, the Granary Restaurant, Farm Shop, Grab & Go Coffee Shop and Garden Nursery have been developed (all with the help of donations) and all profits support the work of the charity. Your custom plays a vital role in providing much-needed income to help the charity’s Pastoral Support Workers provide love, care and in many cases, life-long practical and emotional support.

“Caring For Life is a place of trust, where I can be me.
I know I’m valued and people believe in me...”