Contact Us
Crag House Farm
Otley Old Road
Cookridge, Leeds
LS16 7NH
Opening Times
Monday – Saturday
Granary Restaurant, 9am-4pm
Grab & Go Coffee Shop, 9am-4pm
Farm Shop, 9am-5pm
Garden Nurseries, 9am-5pm
We will be closed:
15th June 2024
6th July 2024
25th Dec - 3rd Jan 2024/5
(0113) 230 3618
How to find us:
How to find us: Most Sat Nav's don't find us! Google maps is however correct and hopefully the map will help you locate us. Alternatively, you can use LS18 5HZ and that will take you to Otley Old Road. Just watch out for the large signs and colourful banners on either side of the lane with “Crag House Farm” on and you’ve found us!
You can also use the app, What3words
Please do feel free to give us a call and we’ll help direct you in if you get lost!
dogs on site
a note about
Well behaved dogs are welcome in the Grab & Go Coffee Shop and the Garden Nurseries. There are dog water bowls located outside the Grab & Go Coffee Shop which are refilled daily. Just ask a member of staff if they need refilling. In the entrance yard there is a dogs area, where you will find a dog litter box. Please deposit your soiled bags in this bin, specifically provided.
Unfortunately dogs are not allowed in the Farm Shop for food hygiene reasons, as advised by the Food Standards Agency or the Granary Restaurant.
Like other, well known established gardens, such as Harlow Carr, we do not allow dogs, other than assistance dogs, into the gardens.
The children’s play area, sensory gardens and conservation walk are close to where we move our sheep, cattle and horses to sometimes graze, therefore dogs are not allowed in these areas due to the welfare of our animals.
send us a message
We would love to hear from you!
We do our best to accommodate anyone who comes to Crag House Farm. Please read over our Disability Access Information should you need extra care during your visit with us!